Episode 38: The search of your trademark reveals it isn't strong enough.
Apr 13, 2021
Okay bud, let’s set the stage…
You’ve hired Indie Law to handle your trademark..
You’ve given us the name, slogan, or logo you want protected..
And we’ve done our comprehensive search for it..
BUT, there’s a snag: our findings show that there are too many red flags with that specific trademark and we don’t recommend moving forward with it.
And you're like...Uuuh WTF!?
Dude. I get it. That’s worst-case-scenario for you (and most other biz owners)!
But have no fear!! At Indie Law, we NEVER leave our clients hanging.
So…what happens next??
Show Notes
00:52 - This week in Owning It
01:53 - Why comprehensive search matters
03:57 - What are your options
04:50 - Is there a 2nd option
0545 - The last option
07:43 - Check out my free training