Episode 36: How much $$$ should my biz be making before I invest in a trademark?
Mar 30, 2021
I hear this almost every day, "But Joey, my business doesn't even make 6 figures yet... Do I really need a trademark?"
So often, potential clients and even biz friends of mine associate getting legally legit with how much revenue they're seeing in their biz.
So let me be the first to tell you...
That is the WRONG thing to focus on!
Show Notes
00:54 - This week in Owning It
02:16 - Categories of how you're spending money as a business owner
02:50 - What are your fixed expenses?
03:10 - ROI
03:30 - The cost of doing business
05:27 - Protecting your brand
07:40 - Getting a cease and desist letter
08:48 - Check out my free training