Episode 23: Two Must-Have Processes for Professional Service Businesses with Casey Clark
Dec 29, 2020
On this episode, you're going to hear from Casey himself how processes are key to a business and what processes are the most important for a business.
Meet our Guest Expert - Casey Clark
For our last episode for 2020, we tackle how 2 processes can take your business to the next level and Casey Clark of Cultivate Advisors takes a deep dive into those processes, and breaks it down for us.
Follow him on social:
The Cultivate Advisor Propeller Visual:
Show Notes
In the podcast, Joey and Casey discussed this visual of a propeller that Cultivate Advisors uses to help their clients. Here it is!
Show Notes
02:25 - Intro and teaser
05:59 - You can download the framework by going to our website
10:38 - The most important processes for a business
12:01 - The first must have process | Accounts receivable
24:50 - The second must have process | Referral program
44:11 - How do I get to the next level
46:12 - Where to find Casey Clark and Cultivate Advisors
49:50 - FREE Trademark Masterclass