Episode 11: How To Use Trademark Symbols Like A Pro (™*®*℠)
Oct 06, 2020
One of the first things that I tell my clients is that in order for you to be protecting yourself as a business owner and to be mindful of the protections of other business owners, you have to understand this side of trademark law, which is the use of these trademark symbols. So let's get into it.
Show Notes
02:48 - The ™ Symbol means Trademark
03:18 - The ® Symbol means Registered Trademark
04:07 - You get free, automatic trademark rights just by being in business.
04:46 - That free ™ Symbol is weak because it is limited to your geographical region
05:39 - The ® Symbol means you have a nationwide, exclusive trademark rights
06:07 - I help my clients and students get that ® Symbol for their business
06:26 - The ℠ Symbol means Service Mark which is also a free trademark right
06:49 - The ℠ Symbol protects service-oriented businesses
07:17 - Either way, you can use the ® once your business is registered
07:57 - Join my Trademark Masterclass